The State Treasury in few words

The missions of the State Treasury are vast. It ensures, among other things, the payment of all State expenses and collects on its own all non-tax receipts, which are assigned by the Minister having the budget under his remit. Furthermore, it oversees the State's budgetary and general accounting and manages the State's financial assets and commitments. The State Treasury also runs the Consignment Office.

On the State Treasury website, you will find information concerning statistics on the public debt of the Luxembourg State (evolution, characteristics, etc.), on State shareholdings, as well as on financial guarantees granted by the State to several national and international entities.


3bn EUR BOND ISSUE - DUAL TRANCHE (22.02.2023)

On Wednesday 22nd February 2023, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, rated Aaa / AAA / AAA (all stable), returned to the Euro debt capital markets for the first time in 2023 with a new syndicated bond issue consisting of a EUR 1.25bn 10-year and a EUR 1.75bn 20-year dual tranche offering. [For further information]